This is how the summer started:
We lived at this wonderful townhome for almost 8 years, but as our family grew, so did our desire for some space for the kids to be able to play outside and be free and we listed our house and decided to see what the Lord would do.
We spent a lot of time at the pool
so much so that these wrinkly toes were a regular sighting.
Downtown on Pacific Ave.
Summer soccer on the Blueberry Bombers team!
Love Spencer's curls!
We had to put our dear sweet Gracie to sleep after she got really sick pretty fast, it was very sad. This is a bad picture, but it reminds me how much we loved her and cared for her right up to the very end of her 11 years.
Carson and I started off the summer with the stomach flu....blah! But Livi wrote a nice little note for Carson. :-)
But, after that we got in some good beach time...
The kids had a lot of fun on this hill, I'll post a video soon about what they were doing here: Love the outfits though. :-)
We went camping over Father's Day Weekend and it was fun to celebrate this wonderful guy!
He had just taken a new (demanding) position at work and the 5 minute commute we were used to was now going to be a 45 minute commute, as Seagate moved their headquarters over the hill to Saratoga at the beginning of June, bummer! But we're thankful for a good job that he likes.
The kids did Vacation Bible Camp (which they LOVED this year!!), and I got to take a wonderful walk one of the mornings on Westcliff, it was just what I needed.
This was the day after my birthday, the day Jason left for Colorado because of his mom's death. We would leave the next day to join him and finish out the month of June there.
So to recap: School got out, Carson and I got sick, we had our house on the market, so there was constant cleaning/straightening/packing, Gracie got really sick and died, we went camping, Jason started a new position at work and a commute, kids did VBC, celebrated my 34th birthday, Jason's mom passed away, trip to Colorado. It was a summer of many ups and downs.