May 22, 2010

The Belly

38 weeks

almost 40 weeks

When I look at these pictures, I can see now why I've gotten so many comments in the past few weeks about my belly.
Here are some that I've heard:
Woah, are you growing a linebacker in there?
Have you been thieving watermelons?
Did you swallow a bowling ball?
Wow, I haven't seen a profile like that in a long time!
Are you sure you're not having twins?
And then from 3 different 2 year olds, as they look up at me they have all pointed and said said..."Ball?"

I am feeling quite large at this point, and quite ready to meet this little guy and kiss these feet that keep poking out my left side. I am feeling really well though. Having lots of Braxton Hicks, and just waiting for them to turn into real labor. I have high hopes that this labor will go as well and fast as Livi's, but I'm trying to keep an open mind for the way it turns out.

Hopefully in the next couple of days we'll be able to post some news about our boy. :-)

"The Lord gives strength to his people, the Lord blesses his people with peace." Psalm 29:11

May 20, 2010


Livi did an 8-week dance class that just ended this week. It was perfect timing, as it finished up right before this baby is due to come. She LOVED it, and looked so precious learning different moves and twirling around. At the end of each lesson, they got to pick out a costume and fairy wings and get sprinkled with fairy body glitter, which was the highlight of the class for Liv. She definitely was in her element.

May 13, 2010

Baby Shower

A few weeks ago some dear friends threw me a baby shower, and it was so fun. It was a gorgeous day and we were able to do it out in my friend, Sarah's, meadow, which she turned into a lovely spot for the occasion. We ate delicious food, had fun chatting, and they even had 3 craft tables set for watercolor painting, one for a scrapbooking project, and one with a sewing machine where we created a quilt for our little guy, right there on the the was SO cool. :-)
I'm so thankful for these special friends and the opportunity to celebrate the life of this boy growing inside me.

Isn't this a cool diaper cake Bethany made?
And here she is painting a picture of the scenery:

Sarah cutting the fabric, Emily working on the scrapbook, Robyn (below) sewing the quilt.

Thank you for such a special day!!