May 13, 2010

Baby Shower

A few weeks ago some dear friends threw me a baby shower, and it was so fun. It was a gorgeous day and we were able to do it out in my friend, Sarah's, meadow, which she turned into a lovely spot for the occasion. We ate delicious food, had fun chatting, and they even had 3 craft tables set for watercolor painting, one for a scrapbooking project, and one with a sewing machine where we created a quilt for our little guy, right there on the the was SO cool. :-)
I'm so thankful for these special friends and the opportunity to celebrate the life of this boy growing inside me.

Isn't this a cool diaper cake Bethany made?
And here she is painting a picture of the scenery:

Sarah cutting the fabric, Emily working on the scrapbook, Robyn (below) sewing the quilt.

Thank you for such a special day!!


You with us said...

It looks so lovely! I can't wait to see the quilt you made. You have such wonderful friends! OXOXO

the mathisons said...

I agree with Byranie... what great friends you have!!!!
AND I can't wait to see the blanket! This little guy's due date keeps getting nearer... SUPER exciting!