April 9, 2007


So we've lived here more than 3 1/2 years and have never even been to the boardwalk! Hard to believe, I know. So, today our friends invited us along to use their guest pass so Carson could go on some rides with his friend, Jack. Thanks, Michelle!!! It was so much fun! Carson was eager to do all the rides he could, without any fear! He even rode on the dragon roller coaster which was actually pretty fast and whirly and loopy for a little kid roller coaster! He loved it! Here are a few pics of him on some of the rides. Fun times. Livi was pretty content to just push the stroller around and hang on the bars outside the rides. :-)


Christi said...

He looks like a teenager hanging out with his friend having a blast on all the rides. It's so easy to picture him at 16!

I'm ready for a visit back to the 831!!

Tyler said...

I love all the blog updates! You are really getting into a groove. How fun that Carson just went for all the rides with no fear. He looks like he is having a great time! XOX