October 6, 2007


When Carson came upstairs yesterday morning he was so excited and he said, "I love birthdays, they're just the best! I love cake!"
Here he is with his new car transporter....he's been really into playing with his cars lately.

One thing he kept asking for was a robe and some slippers, so Grandma and Bumpa got that for him and he was SO happy. This morning I went down to get Livi so she wouldn't wake Carson up by calling out for me, but when I got down there, Carson's light was on and he was in Livi's room laying on the floor with his robe and slippers on, it was so cute.
I love the look in Carson's eye here, he's stoked about having some cake.
Here's everyone gathering their loot from the pinata that took forever to break.
We had a fun birthday party with Carson's friends on a super cold evening...but it didn't rain! Yay! Thanks everybody for making it such a special day for him....he's so happy to be 4 now.


Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

FOUR. I can't believe it!!! Where has time gone? He instantly looks older to me. Sounds like you had a fun party. Should we be sending sweet Livi some clothes? ;)

You with us said...

Today four, tomorrow college. Wow. Blessing on Carson in this next year. Joy, truth and laughter to you big guy!