October 27, 2008

Usually at least a couple days out of the week, we try to do a quiet time in the afternoons when Carson is at school. Livi's pretty good about staying in her room and playing and sometimes she'll crawl up in her bed and go to sleep. Lately she's been wanting me to pull out the trundle bed so she can sleep halfway on that and halfway on her bed, silly, but it works. Last week, she was playing nicely for a while and then it was quiet so I went down to check on her, hoping she'd fallen asleep, and here's what I found:

She had taken out every piece of clothing from her dresser and strewn it about...

And then, here she was, in dreamland somewhere under these pink covers...

And even though she really didn't have fun cleaning it up, she decided to do it again during her next quiet time, after which I ordered some other consequences besides having to clean it up again and she didn't like those ideas, so she hasn't done it again....yet. And now we have newly sorted and organized drawers, which was probably much needed.


Gloria said...

It's funny how much they fight it, huh? If I was given the chance to take a nap each day, I think I'd crash in like 2 seconds!

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

Oh, that scene looks allll too familiar. Ugh! TAKE A NAP, ALREADY! :) The tone of your post sounds much calmer than I think I would've been. And you're so positive about those drawers needing to be sorted. I always learn so much from your patience and perspective, Michelle!!