December 21, 2008

Tree & Eggnog

One little Hughes family tradition is to wait to have our first eggnog of the season when we put up our tree. Yum.


You with us said...

What a fun tradition. I am craving egg nog and need to make a run to Trader Joe's so we can have our first egg nog of the season, too!

petiteblogger said...

Ooh, I haven't had any egg nog yet. Sounds good. I love that last picture...

the mathisons said...

looks all warm and cozy there! Merry Christmas Hughes family!!!!!

Arabian Acres said...

Well now wait a minute there missy! I know for a fact Jason has been drinking the stuff by the gallons since November, great tree though and the pictures of the kids are so cute. Have fun with that there egg nog! ;)

Michelle said...

Bridge - He may have been dreaming excessively about the eggnog since November, but Christmas tree day was the first official tasting. :-)