March 8, 2007

Duck, Duck....Duck!

For the past 3 days we've had this cute clan of ducks coming to visit us! They are very friendly and love to eat just about everything we've tried giving them, except for a bag of old almonds I found in the picky! We've seen this little group of 3 in our neighborhood for about a year. The kids and all the neighbors get a kick out of seeing them come so close!

This white one is really cute!

Livi gets sad when they waddle away, she calls after them, "Dutty, nooo, dutty! Bye bye dutty!"


Christi said...

That is so fun!

Anonymous said...

I love seeing your kiddos...wish you guys were down the street so we had playmmates nearby!

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

She's such a doll! She's really talking, huh? Good for her.