We had such fun exploring Point Lobos a couple weeks ago, so the next weekend we decided to try out another park just south of it, Garrapato State Park. This one consisted of little pull-offs along Hwy 1 that had a bunch of little trails that meandered along the steep cliffs by the beautiful raging water. This one had me gasping a bit more than the other park because of the steep drop-offs, and we had to be sure the kids stayed right by us, but it was SO incredibly beautiful. It literally took my breath away for a minute just looking at the beauty of it all. We walked along the trails and sat and had our little picnic lunch, and then we got back in our truck (yes!! we got a truck, I love calling it that!!!! I've always wanted a truck! - it's a Honda Pilot) and drove to the 2-mile beach (although it didn't quite stretch 2 miles while we were there cuz the tide was so high). I have never seen such huge waves, it was awesome. It didn't take Carson long to get wet, he just loves the beach. He found a huge piece of a kelp tube that he was wrangling in logs with, his imagination just goes wild when he's out there, it's precious. It was a perfect day to be out there, the sun was shining bright and warm with a coolness in the air that was just right. It's fun to explore the beauty around here this time of year when there isn't the crowd of summer travelers.
The seas have lifted up, O Lord,
the seas have lifted up their voice;
the seas have lifted up their pounding waves.
Mightier than the thunder of the great waters,
mightier than the breakers of the sea -
the Lord on high is mighty.
Psalm 93: 3-4
For the Lord is the great God,
the great King above all gods.
In his hand are the depths of the earth,
and the mountain peaks belong to him.
The sea is his, for he made it,
and his hands formed the dry land.
Come, let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;
for he is our God
and we are the people of his pasture,
the flock under his care.
Today, if you hear his voice,
do not harden your hearts...
Psalm 95: 3-8
hxSounds fun...and the park is so beautiful!
We have a Pilot as well...I LOVE it! Hope you enjoy yours... :)
Oh my! GORGEOUS pictures! It reminds me of the weeks we took to drive Hwy 1 down the entire coast. Breathtaking for sure. Your pictures sure make me want to do it again. Livi's hair is so long and looks lighter. Is it my imagination? Tell Jason good job on the magazine ad for the Pilot. I'm convinced. ;)
Beautiful Michelle! You guys are so fortunate to live near so many wonderful places to explore... and that is great that you do actually take advantage of it all.
Congratulations on the new member of your family!
I just freaked out reading Kelli's comment, then I realized she was talking about the Pilot. Very cool car, I must say. Glad you are enjoying it.
Love those pictures! Man, if I had seen that ad before we wouldn't have a mini-van right now.
So fun! And COOL new ride!! Which car does that replace...Jason's or yours? I'm so inspired by all of your fun adventures!! :)
I love the pictures Michelle, Oliva is getting so big and so pretty. Congrats on the new "truck".
I still can't believe that you live in such a beautiful place! We are still really trying to figure out how to get out there to visit some time before all our kids are grown and gone...
Love the car, too!
Psalm 96 is one of my favorites! Great pictures, and fun new car:)
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