August 30, 2009


We have a kindergartener! How can that be? The first 3 days went really well, I think he's enjoyed it so far, and he thinks his teacher is fun and funny. I think he's really going to enjoy his year. Mr. Kerley seems to be very into the sciences and geography and exploring and learning thru lots of hands-on experiences, which will mesh very well with how Carson learns. :-)

He comes bounding out of his classroom, seeming very happy and very exhausted.


exhausted...and super annoyed that I asked another mom to get a picture of us.

It's an exciting time, this new phase we are entering. It will be neat when he starts to make friends with the kids in his class. I'm excited to see all the things he will learn this year!


Gloria said...

If he's anything like Brayden, I'm sure he'll love it! Kindergarten is such a fun and big change for kids!!!

The Robinson Family said...

What a new and exciting time! Lovin' Mr. Kerley's school attire--looks like he will be a fun teacher! : )

the mathisons said...

Glad he is liking school! I am always curious as to who Reese chooses as friends. He looks so big Michelle... and you look great! Love your new haircut!