March 1, 2010

Pierced Ears

Olivia has been wanting to get her ears pierced for a little while now, but last week, she was really ready and kept asking if we could go and do it. We talked it over a lot and told her it would hurt, but just for a little bit, and that she'd have to keep the earrings in for a long time until the holes formed, and that we'd have to take good care of them, etc. She was determined and excited, and especially motivated by the "fairy tea party" we were planning for on the weekend....she wanted to be all dolled up for it. (another post on that coming soon)

So I took her to Claire's in the mall and we looked at all the earring options and she found the ones she wanted (diamonds of course! - the April birthstone, even though she was born in August, but they were the prettiest, I thought, too.) We walked around the mall for a little while until another gal showed up for work at Claire's so they could do both ears at the same time. We kept talking it over and she really wanted to get it done. It was the cutest thing to see her so excited for it. And the outfit she wore that day, wow, she's got an interesting sense of style, but she wore her favorite things and it just added to the experience so much. She's been ULTRA girly lately, it cracks me up.

So we went back to the store. She climbed up on the chair and held on to her babydoll tightly, a tad nervous, super shy, but very excited and determined. The did both ears at the same time and it was over so fast. She didn't even cry, but her face did get all red and she winced a little bit. She got a lollipop afterward and it was so cute to see her look in the mirror and see her pretty pierced ears. I think part of my heart was pierced at the same time! This was one of those experiences that she might remember forever and eventually tell her children about when she has to make the decision to let her daughter (Lord willing) pierce her ears. It's only the beginning of these types of situations, and this was a fun one. Hopefully she'll just keep it at that, no other piercings, tatoos, etc. till she's on her own. :-)

She's been so proud of her earrings and her ears are doing really well. No yukky crusties or anything, we're just taking good care of them and she's sure to remind me when I forget. :-)

the wince


Gloria said...

aw so cute! How old is she now? I'm sure we'll have to make that decision as to when to pierce our girl's ears in the next few years too -- they grow up so fast!

You with us said...

Wow, when you were talking about her wanting to get her ears pierced I had no idea it was right around the corner. What a brave girl. Tell her I think the diamonds look lovely on her. XO

The Robinson Family said...

What a brave girl! You did great, Livi, and you look beautiful!

Christi said...

Oh my goodness, I think I understand that heart piercing feeling. Such a cool memory to make with her Mama right by her side. You make everything special, Michelle.

petiteblogger said...

I can't believe she's old enough to do that! How fun! Love her outfit and how girly she is. She's gotta be with 2 brothers!

the mathisons said...

Olivia is a beauty... inside and out! Those earrings look so sweet in her ears! I hope you post pictures of the party!!! Is it modeled after the one she found in the magazine? Have fun and tell Livi that Reese prays for her :)

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

AHHH! It's like she turned into a teenager before my very eyes. Michelle, she is SO beautiful! The picture of the "wince" is so cute. But that last picture... precious. I'll bet she feels so pretty! Good job to you BOTH for being so brave! Love you!