November 12, 2007

Carson says...

Carson's been cracking us up lately.

I was eating my breakfast and reading my Real Simple magazine, and Carson came over and was looking at some of it with me, which didn't last long because he stated that "everything in this magazine is so girly!"....and off he ran.

Carson was putting one of Jason's old t-shirts on Livi as a paint shirt and he said, "Here Livi, put this on and you'll look like a princess." :-)

Last night I was reading the story of David and Goliath to him, and after we were done and had just read about how God had given David all the power he needed to slingshot that rock right at Goliath, Carson said, "I really want some of that power." So I told him that God will give us power if we ask him, like power to be patient and power to do the right thing when no one is looking, etc. So he wanted me to pray for some power for him, "cuz I'm a little embarrassed to ask for it," he said. Silly boy, I just love how honest he is and he's been so curious about spiritual things lately, it's been fun to have some really good conversations with him.


You with us said...

Love that kid! Thanks for sharing some of his funny saying for posterity.

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

Don't you love that we can have real little conversations with them now? I'm glad to hear he's really looking out for Livi, wanting her to look like a princess and all! :)